Art Form(s)
I am interested in collaborative work.
St. Paul
Artist Statement
What does it mean to enact a persona in poetry, performance, in praxis? What mythologies shape us, and how do our lived experiences transform them? What steps can artists take toward liberation on individual, communal, and cosmic proportions? These questions are at the heart of my artistic practice, and I approach them as drag performer, director, playwright, poet, and theologian. These artistic roles all come under the umbrella of myth-maker. I am a mythopoet.
Max is a poet, playwright, independent scholar, and performing artist in Saint Paul, MN and is the co-founder of the House of Larva Drag Co-operative. Performing as drag ogress Çicada L’Amour, House of Larva has been producing both small acts and full-length queer performances since 2014. Brumberg-Kraus has done work with the Guthrie Theatre, Lightning Rod, Pangea World Theatre, 20% Theatre, Patrick's Cabaret, In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre, and the Rochester Arts Center. Brumberg-Kraus is an Artist Connector with Arts | Religion | Culture (ARC), served as an Emerging Leader Fellow with ARC in 2019, and was a fellow with Pangea’s Arts Organizing Institute in 2017-2018. Max is currently the Associate Producing Artistic Director at Six Points Theater (formerly Minnesota Jewish Theatre).
Brumberg-Kraus studied classics and theatre in their undergrad at Beloit College, and received their MA in Theology and the Arts from United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities in 2020. Brumberg-Kraus's art and research explore queer temporality, queer and feminist myth, cosmology, ancient tragedy, theatre & spiritual formation, drag, and reception theory. They are currently working on a book project The(y)ology: Mythopoetics for Queer and Trans Liberation.
Brumberg-Kraus studied classics and theatre in their undergrad at Beloit College, and received their MA in Theology and the Arts from United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities in 2020. Brumberg-Kraus's art and research explore queer temporality, queer and feminist myth, cosmology, ancient tragedy, theatre & spiritual formation, drag, and reception theory. They are currently working on a book project The(y)ology: Mythopoetics for Queer and Trans Liberation.
Brumberg-Kraus is available to guess lecture at the undergraduate and graduate level on topics relating to medieval theatre, Senecan Drama, Greek tragedy and modern adaptations, 20th century theatre and the avant garde, reception theory and literary studies, religion and theatre, queer medievalisms, feminist/queer/trans theologies, William Morris studies, theopoetics, midrash, animism and poetics, ecology and theatre, and drag.
Brumberg-Kraus offers theatre/movement workshops around gender and sexuality, spiritual formation, and a Jewish form of bibliodrama called "Drashing the Body." Brumberg-Kraus is trained in conflict resolution and dialogue moderation through the Sustained Dialogue Institute.
Brumberg-Kraus also offers editing and writing consultations for creative (particularly theatre and poetry) and academic writing in the humanities.
Brumberg-Kraus offers theatre/movement workshops around gender and sexuality, spiritual formation, and a Jewish form of bibliodrama called "Drashing the Body." Brumberg-Kraus is trained in conflict resolution and dialogue moderation through the Sustained Dialogue Institute.
Brumberg-Kraus also offers editing and writing consultations for creative (particularly theatre and poetry) and academic writing in the humanities.
Work Samples