Art Form(s)
I am interested in collaborative work.
St. Paul
Artist Statement
My recent work explores line and volume, dancing on the edge between human and creature. Neither naked nor clothed, ambiguously aged and gendered, it is a loose response to my daughters’ early drawings and their attempts to understand the world around them. Investigating their expressionistic imagery, rich in pathos and humor, has been like learning a new language. In this work, the visual and emotional vocabulary of childhood, full of monsters and creatures, exuberance and fears, creates metaphors for the emotional uncertainty and rich complexity of contemporary life. This, in turn, has provided a creative point of departure to make art that is at once both serious and playful, reflecting the humanity of our times. My work is created in a process of iterations, where drawings inspire my sculptures, which are transformed into photographs, drawings and collage. In this process, photos of my sculptures are stripped of color. Sometimes they are laser printed and painted with gouache. Others times they are altered to appear as drawn imagery. This process has also informed my ceramic wall drawings, figurative clay wall forms that are incised and colored with black stain. These transformations have kept my work fluid, infusing a sense of experimentation and discovery in my art making process.