Amira Stone

Art Form(s)



[email protected]

I am interested in collaborative work.


An observational filmmaker, Amira works with the people and places of Turtle Island and greater Latin America, with attention to relationships, history, and change. Since graduating from NYU Tisch with a BFA in Film&TV, Amira has worked primarily in documentary editing, directing, and production sound recording. She prioritizes mental health and relation to locality through every stage of filmmaking. Her short documentary, “Angelita” (post-production), received grant awards from URBANWORLD in partnership with 150 and Warner Media. Her debut feature film, “Blue Skies,” which she co-directed with Joel Kaswan Meilijson, is an awardee of Milwaukee Film’s Forward Fund.

As a Jewish, queer, and Mexican midwesterner, Amira gravitates towards culturally, spiritually, and historically nuanced storytelling. Amira is aware that while film has the potential to heal, it too has the power to harm. She is committed to a lifelong journey of minimizing the extractive and intrusive tendencies of filmmaking — through integration, care, right relationship, and, when appropriate, cultural advising. In this evolving practice, she studies those seasoned in healing-centric and cross-cultural ethnographic filmmaking. She finds teachers in directors such as Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers, Verena Paravel, and Ivete Lucas.
Director, Editor, Assistant Editor, Production Sound Mixer and Boom Op, Creative Consultant/ Story Producer, Cinematographer, Production Designer.

I own a complete rig of gear.